Some Autumn Quotes

‘Movement is the Song of the body’ V.Scaravelli

‘The Mind becomes clear and serene when the qualities of the heart are cultivated’ Patanjali Sutra 1.33

‘The quieter you become the more you are able to hear’ Rumi

‘As the tress draw energy back to the source we should follow suit’

Autumn Term Reading

My Yoga teacher’s sixth book is highly recommended since it deals with helping us cope with our modern life styles, which can adversely affect our wellbeing.

The book is called Standing, Sitting, Walking, Running How your posture affects your Mind and will be available from Amazon.

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Summer Term Daily Practice

Bring the sweet smell of success, transformation and mindfulness into your life.


Then, open your window wide or go out into the garden and take some DEEP BREATHS, breathing in the energy of the new day.


Use ALL your SENSES taking a few minutes to savour these moments.

Now for SOME STRETCHES, enjoy stretching your arms, elbows, hands, fingers, legs in any way that suits you paying ATTENTION to STRETCHING with YOUR BREATHING, and focusing on the BEAUTY OF NATURE AROUND YOU.

NEXT, stand in TADASANA, the mountain pose, feet hip distance apart, spreading the toes, arches and heels, connecting with the ground beneath you, lifting the spine from the tail bone right up into the crown of the head.

ROCK GENTLY backwards and forwards and then become STILL.

CLOSE your EYES and gently breath paying attention to the INHALATION and the EXHALATION.


Allow yourself to picture your day moving MORE CALMLY from one task to another, happy with whatever challenges that are in front of you. SMILE, allowing an inner warmth to radiate throughout yourself.

Throughout the day come back to this practice, wherever you may be even if it is only for a few moments.

It will gradually help you to become more FOCUSED, have better ENERGY levels, keep yourself grounded and be HAPPY and HEALTHY.

Below are some sequences of movement which are great for getting the body to become more ALIVE. We have practiced them regularly in our classes always feeling energised, stretched and vitalised from inside to outside.


I would be delighted to give you further instruction or help with home practice when you attend one of my classes.

Please do share your stories of how your PRACTICE WORKS FOR YOU, either by email or in class.

I can honestly say that taking a few minutes, a FEW TIMES a DAY to do some of the above practices makes an enormous difference to my day, helping me to THINK more CLEARLY, be positive with my challenges and ENJOY MY LIFE.

About Enjoy Yoga classes

Welcome. Enjoy Yoga classes are intended to help you enjoy your life and stay young at heart whatever your age. Classes are informal and not intended to be a chore! It is important that you feel welcomed and supported within the group. Classes are held at the lovely Quinnettes Barn in Churt.


This an evening class designed for all yoga seekers. As my students say: “This class takes you into the weekend feeling relaxed and ready for life.”

The style of my yoga: 

Inner yoga is an approach that is suitable for everyone who would like to incorporate the different body postures (called asanas), breathing (pranayama) and relaxation (meditation) into their daily life. As a qualified aromatherapist I also use essences to help relaxation and teach massage techniques to my students.

My training was with Jenny Beeken who was influenced by BSY Iyengar and Vanda Scaravelli. Inner yoga teaches through an understanding of the physiology and anatomy of the body together with inspiration from the ancient texts. Yoga is NOT a religion or indoctrination but allows you to discover a method of deep inner learning about yourself, your relationship with others and the world around you.

How we work together:

Each term we take a special theme and then develop this theme through our term’s classes. Previous examples are; working with the spine based on Vanda Scaravelli’s book ‘Awakening the Spine’, and increasing the feeling of energy within the body using Jenny Beeken’s ‘Yoga for Vitality’ approach. More recently we’ve been looking at how the different seasons influence our wellbeing.

There is a short audio introduction you can play HERE, for more information on dates, times, location etc., please click on the ‘Churt‘ and ‘Joining‘ tabs above. We hope to see you soon.


A Great New Year Starts This Week!


Why not get your 2016 off to a great start by coming along to one of my Yoga classes and meeting some new friends in a relaxed and friendly environment, whatever your age!

Yoga helps you stay healthy and young at heart 🙂

Classes start THIS WEEK at Headley and Churt, see tabs above for times and dates etc.

Wishing you a happy and healthy 2016,